Currently Located in Sacramento California

Body Sculpting & Contouring

Unlock Your Dream Body

Tailored Body Sculpting Modalities

At Pleroo, we understand that sculpting your ideal body is a personal journey. That’s why we provide a range of advanced body sculpting modalities, including Radiofrequency, Emslim, and Powersculp. Schedule a consultation to determine which treatment aligns best with your goals and desires. Our skilled therapists will collaborate with you during the consultation to create a customized plan and discuss the available options.


Body Sculpting and Contouring

PowerSculpUSA is a state-of-the-art non-invasive slimming instrument, ideal for patients that want to remove stubborn fat. Equipped with a 1060nm wavelength diode laser that permanently reduces fat cells without destroying the surrounding tissues. Non-surgical body contouring FDA-Approved non-invasive fat-loss solution. The next-generation state-of-the-art, non-invasive body contouring product that penetrates below the surface using safe radio frequency energy. Equipped with a 1060nm diode laser that specifically targets and destroys fat cells in those trouble areas with our powerful, convenient, and speedier technologies.

Permanent results in just 4-6 sessions! Each session of PowerSculp generally takes only 30 minutes, only ONCE a month! (Call to schedule a consultation)

PowerSculp is a cutting-edge, non-surgical body contouring solution designed to help individuals eliminate stubborn fat safely and effectively. This FDA-approved procedure employs state-of-the-art laser technology, specifically a 1060nm wavelength diode laser, to target and permanently reduce fat cells while preserving surrounding tissues.

P-Tight Radiofrequency

P-TightRadiofrequency Skin Rejuvenation offers a solution for individuals seeking to address lax skin and the signs of aging on their face, neck, and body. This advanced treatment is designed to provide long-lasting results with no downtime. It utilizes the power of safe and non-invasive radio frequency energy to penetrate below the skin’s surface and address skin imperfections at a cellular level.

Key Features:

Long-Lasting Results: P-TightRadiofrequency is designed to deliver enduring results, helping to rejuvenate the skin and reduce the visible signs of aging.

Multi-Area Application: This treatment is suitable for use on the face, neck, and body, making it versatile and comprehensive.

Non-Invasive Technology: P-TightRadiofrequency is a non-invasive approach, minimizing discomfort and eliminating the need for downtime.

Non-Invasive Technology: P-TightRadiofrequency is a non-invasive approach, minimizing discomfort and eliminating the need for downtime.

Cellular-Level Treatment: The radio frequency energy targets skin imperfections at a cellular level, promoting natural rejuvenation and improvement.


Emslim Body Sculpting is a cutting-edge, non-invasive, high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology designed to reshape and contour the body by inducing supermaximal muscle contractions. These contractions go beyond what’s achievable through regular exercise, resulting in profound structural changes within the muscles, leading to muscle building and body toning.

Key Features:

High-Intensity Magnetic Waves: Emslim employs high-intensity magnetic waves to tone and sculpt specific body areas, such as the stomach, thighs, and arms.

Rapid Results: Significant effects can be achieved in just 30 minutes per session, similar to hours of intense gym workouts

Weight Loss and Obesity Reduction: Emslim helps weight loss and addresses obesity concerns.

Ultrasonic Cavitation treatment

Revitalize your body with our a non-surgical procedure designed to break up stubborn fat deposits, providing you with a cost-effective alternative to invasive options like liposuction.

Convenience and Cost:

Ultrasonic cavitation is a cosmetic technique utilizing ultrasound waves to break apart fat cells, offering a less invasive alternative to liposuction. While the procedure boasts minimal risks, common short-term side effects include bruising and pain, with the possibility of skin irregularities.

Convenience and Cost:

Advertised as extremely convenient due to minimal recovery time and rare side effects, ultrasonic cavitation is generally more affordable than traditional liposuction, averaging between $250-$350 per treatment. Curated plans come with an exclusive discount, making it an accessible option for those seeking effective body contouring.

Your Transformation Begins with a Consultation

Before booking any of our services, a consultation is required. We believe in the power of personalized care and want to ensure you receive the best treatment tailored to your unique needs and goals. Our experts are here to guide you on your journey to a more radiant you.

Powersculp Client Question:

At Pleroo, we’re dedicated to tailoring your treatment to address your specific concerns. If you don’t find a particular service listed, rest assured we have a wide range of options to meet your needs. Consult with our skilled skin experts to explore the treatments that best align with your goals. Our mission is to deliver a personalized and all-encompassing skincare journey, guiding you towards the results you desire.
One person will be happy with one treatment. Another will need at least three to get similar results. Most people are satisfied with between one and three treatments in the area they want to see reshaped. Some people focus on just one body part or one site of stubborn fat.
Melts fat cells and tightens the skin. This tightening may cause numbness or sensitivity as the skin becomes more firm and toned; most clients feel an intermittent tingling throughout the treatment, typically well-tolerated.

You can generally expect your results to last a lifetime. The fat removal results of this treatment are permanent because your body can only produce new fat cells during the first 25 years of life.

The Powersculp laser penetrates 1⁄2 to 11⁄2 inches, depending on one's fat pad density. Because up to 25% of the penetrated fat experiences cell death, in patients without deep penetration, one treatment may not be enough to cause the desired reduction in fat projection.